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대학원생 : 재치 넘치는 궁금이 스머프들 환영

•CV, 궁금한 질문들 및 과학(연구)을 하고 싶은 이유 간단히 적어서 보내주세요.
•김정진을 포함한 기존 궁금이 스머프들과 면접 후 함께하시죠.
•김정진에게 메일 ( or 주세요.

박사 후 연구원 : 재치 넘치고 90살까지 연구하고 싶으신 분 환영

•CV 및 Research interest & proposal (2장 이하) 간단히 보내주세요.
•김정진을 포함한 기존 궁금이 스머프들과 면접 후 함께하시죠.
•김정진에게 메일 ( or 주세요.

방문 연구: 뇌과학 연구가 어떤 것인지 궁금하신 분

•CV 및 궁금한 질문들 (과학 & 연구실) 간단히 보내주세요.
•김정진에게 메일 ( or 주세요.




The Kim lab at KIST is looking for outstanding and highly-motivated post-doctoral researchers and graduate students to study neural circuitry of action generation in the normal brain and in neurodevelopmental diseases. Our overall goal is to understand how the brain turns on/off action sequence and converts the sequence by internal and external cues. Optogenetic tools, deep brain calcium imaging, optrode recording and brain mapping techniques are used to characterize the new circuitry and associated cell types related with these questions. Based on these experimental results, we would like to find a new working hypothesis that links behavior to multiple neuronal circuits. 

The post-doctoral position requires a PhD, MD, or both in systemic neuroscience, computer science, neurophysiology and biomedical sciences. Advanced skills in experimental neuroscience (in vivo electrophysiology and calcium imaging) or computation modeling of neural circuitry are desirable. The PhD student position requires BS degree in biology or computer science. The candidate would join our lab through applying KIST-KAIST joint program or KIST school. We can support independent research projects or collaborative works with cutting-edge techniques to a post-doctoral fellow and PhD students. We are waiting new funny researchers with full of curiosity. 

Interested applicants should send letter of interest, CV and contact information for 2 references (post-doc) or letter of interest and CV (PhD students) to: 

Dr. Jeongjin Kim 
Center for neuroscience 
Korea institute of science and technology (KIST), Seoul, South Korea 
TEL: 82-2-958-6931 ( 


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