Education and Training
2005-2011 Ph.D. in Neuroscience
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon, South Korea (Advisor: Dr. Daesoo Kim)
1999-2004 B.S. in Biological sciences
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon, South Korea
Research Experiences
2017-present Senior scientist
Center for neuroscience, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Seoul, South Korea
2011-2016 Post-doctoral associate
Dept. of Biological sciences, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon, South Korea
2011 Visiting scholar
The Greengard Laboratory, Rockefeller University, New York, USA
2002 Research assistant
Animal Cell Engineering Lab., Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon, South Korea
1. Lee, S.*, Kim, J.*, Shin JH.*, Lee HE., Kang IS., Gwak K., Kim DS., Kim D.#, Lee KJ# (2018). Optogenetic Control of Body Movements via Flexible Vertical Light-Emitting Diodes on Brain Surface. Nano Energy 44, 447-455. (*, co-first authors; #, co-corresponding authors)
2. Kim, J., Kim, Y., Nakajima, R., Shin, A., Jeong, M., Park, A.H., Jeong, Y., Jo, S., Yang, S., Park, H., Cho, S., Cho, K., Shim, In., Chung, J., Paik, S., Augustine. G., Kim, D (2017). Inhibitory Basal Ganglia Inputs Induce Excitatory Motor Signals in the Thalamus. Neuron 95, 1181-1196.e1188.
3. Yim, N., Ryu, S.-W., Choi, K., Lee, K.R., Lee, S., Choi, H., Kim, J., Shaker, M.R., Sun, W., Park, J.-H., Kim D, Heo W and Choi C (2016). Exosome engineering for efficient intracellular delivery of soluble proteins using optically reversible protein-protein interaction module. Nature communications 7.
4. Park, A.H., Lee, S.H., Lee, C., Kim, J., Lee, H.E., Paik, S.-B., Lee, K.J., and Kim, D. (2016). Optogenetic mapping of functional connectivity in freely moving mice via insertable wrapping electrode array beneath the skull. ACS nano 10, 2791-2802.
5. Jeong, M., Kim, Y., Kim, J., Ferrante, D.D., Mitra, P.P., Osten, P., and Kim, D. (2016). Comparative three-dimensional connectome map of motor cortical projections in the mouse brain. Scientific reports 6.
6. Lee, K., Westin, L., Kim, J., Chang, J., Oh, Y., Amreen, B., Gresack, J., Flajolet, M., Kim, D., and Aperia, A., Kim, Y., and Greengard, P. (2015). Alteration by p11 of mGluR5 localization regulates depression-like behaviors. Molecular psychiatry 20, 1546-1556.
7. Kim, Y., Kim, S.H., Kim, K.H., Chae, S., Kim, C., Kim, J., Shin, H.-S., Lee, M.-S., and Kim, D. (2015). Age-dependent gait abnormalities in mice lacking the Rnf170 gene linked to human autosomal-dominant sensory ataxia. Human molecular genetics, 417.
8. Park, Y.-G., Kim, J., and Kim, D. (2013). The potential roles of T-type Ca2+ channels in motor coordination. Frontiers in neural circuits 7, 172.
9. Chang, K.-Y., Park, Y.-G., Park, H.-Y., Homanics, G.E., Kim, J., and Kim, D. (2011). Lack of Ca V 3.1 channels causes severe motor coordination defects and an age-dependent cerebellar atrophy in a genetic model of essential tremor. Biochemical and biophysical research communications 410, 19-23.
10. Won, H., Mah, W., Kim, E., Kim, J.-W., Hahm, E.-K., Kim, M.-H., Cho, S., Kim, J., Jang, H., and Cho, S.-C., Kim, B.-N., Shin, M.-S., Seo, J., Jeong, J., Choi, S.-Y., Kim, D., Kang, C., and Kim, E. (2011). GIT1 is associated with ADHD in humans and ADHD-like behaviors in mice. Nature medicine 17, 566-572.
11. Kim, J., Woo, J., Park, Y.-G., Chae, S., Jo, S., Choi, J.W., Jun, H.Y., Yeom, Y.I., Park, S.H., and Kim, K.H., Shin, H.-S., and Kim, D. (2011). Thalamic T-type Ca2+ channels mediate frontal lobe dysfunctions caused by a hypoxia-like damage in the prefrontal cortex. The Journal of Neuroscience 31, 4063-4073.
1. 일본 등록 특허 (JP, 201351649D), 주의력 결핍 과잉 행동 모델 마우스, 상기 모델 마우스를 이용한 집중력 장애 질병 예방 및 완화 효과 검증 방법 및 비특이적 T 타입 칼슘 억제제를 함유하는 집중력 장애 질병 예방 및 치료용 조성물, 김정진, 김대수 (등록일: 2015-10-02)
2. 국내 등록 특허 (KR, 10-2013-0030332), Ethosuximide 약물의 주의력 결핍 과잉 행동 장애 질병의 완화 효과 검증, 김정진, 김대수 (등록일: 2016-05-24)
Honors & awards
2013 Young Scientist Award
International Conference of the Korean Society for Molecular and Cellular Biology (ICKSMCB), South Korea
2013 Travel fellowship
Center for Women in Science, Engineering and Technology (MEST, Korea Government), South Korea
2012 Best Poster Award
International Symposium for Molecular Neurodegenerative Disease Research, South Korea
2011 Travel Award
34th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, Japan
2011 Top Patent Award
10th Bioneer Award, South Korea
2007 Best Oral Award
1st Brain Korea 21 bioKAIST Annual retreat, South Korea
Oral presentation
The 20th Korean Society for Brain and Neural Science (2017.08), Seoul, South Korea
The 1st IBS Super meeting (2015.06), Daejeon, South Korea
The International Conference of the Korean Society for Molecular and Cellular Biology,
Young scientist awardee’s presentation (2013.10), Seoul, South Korea
Optogenetic Workshop (2011.12), California, USA
The10th Bioneer Award, Top patent awardee’s presentation (2011.03), Daejeon, South Korea
The 5rd Brain Korea 21 bioKAIST Annual retreat (2011.01), Gosari, South Korea
The 1st Brain Korea 21 bioKAIST Annual retreat (2007.01), Muju, South Korea
Osaka University - KAIST Symposium (2006.08), Osaka, Japan
The 8th Korean Society for Brain and Neural Science (2005.09), Seoul, South Korea
Poster presentation
Gordon research conference, Optogenetic Approaches to Understanding Neural Circuits & Behavior (2016.07), Newry, USA
Miami 2014 winter symposium, The Molecular Basis of Brain Disorders (2014.1), Miami, USA
Cold spring harbor symposium, Francis Crick Symposium (2013.05), Suzhou, China
International Congress on Mental Dysfunction in Parkinson's disease (2013.04), Seoul, South Korea
International Symposium for Molecular Neurodegenerative Disease Research (2012.08),
Daejeon, South Korea
The 34th Japanese Neuroscience society (2011.09), Yokohama, Japan
The 1st Synapse Workshop, Korean Society for biochemistry and molecular biology (2010.08),
Yangyang, South Korea
The 3rd Brain Korea 21 bioKAIST Annual retreat (2009.01), Muju, South Korea
The 20th Korean Society for Molecular and Cellular Biology (2008.10), Seoul, South Korea
The 37th Society for Neuroscience (2007, 10), Sandiego, USA
The 18th Korean Society for Molecular and Cellular Biology (2006.10), Seoul, South Korea
Teaching experiences
Mar – June 2007 Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST),
Genetics & General Biology.
Tutored undergraduate students every week to supplement lectures.
Sep – Dec 2006 Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST),
Experiments for Genetics.
Tutored undergraduate students every week to experiments.
(Last updated: 2017-09-01)